Newark, NJ, USA
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Wedding packages: Add-on
Diego Pisante
Detalhes do Produto
Album (acrylic or metal cover) 12x12 with 26 pages ($25 for each extra page): $ 380;
Engagement session (2 hours): $ 250;
Full video editing $300;
Overtime: $200 (per professional);
Second photographer/videographer for 4 hours: $ 600;
Second photographer/videographer for 8 hours: $ 800;
Engraved wooden box with a USB flash drive plus 10 printed best photos in 4x6: $ 150;
* Travel fees may be applied to cover gas and toll, depending on the location.
Album (acrylic or metal cover) 12x12 with 26 pages ($25 for each extra page): $ 380;
Engagement session (2 hours): $ 250;
Full video editing $300;
Overtime: $200 (per professional);
Second photographer/videographer for 4 hours: $ 600;
Second photographer/videographer for 8 hours: $ 800;
Engraved wooden box with a USB flash drive plus 10 printed best photos in 4x6: $ 150;
* Travel fees may be applied to cover gas and toll, depending on the location.
Album (acrylic or metal cover) 12x12 with 26 pages ($25 for each extra page): $ 380;
Engagement session (2 hours): $ 250;
Full video editing $300;
Overtime: $200 (per professional);
Second photographer/videographer for 4 hours: $ 600;
Second photographer/videographer for 8 hours: $ 800;
Engraved wooden box with a USB flash drive plus 10 printed best photos in 4x6: $ 150;
* Travel fees may be applied to cover gas and toll, depending on the location.
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